Week 1 (FYP 2)
Activity: Learn in more detail about the Arduino coding, Arduino IDE and Blynk Objective: To put transfer the coding system into Arduino board (ESP866) To connect the Arduino IDE to Blynk application To control the system using smartphone. Content: To generate code on Arduino Board, I use Arduino IDE software. First, I need to add some library and board that I needed into software Arduino IDE which is Blynk ESP8266, simpleTimer and Adafruit. For Blynk program, I fill in the required information such as SSID (Wi-Fi name), pass (Wi-Fi password) and auth token to connect with Blynk application. Result: After I finish the programming part and try to compile it. But it show some error which is the system detect multiple libraries in my laptop. Other than that, the system did not find the simpletimer.h library and it use blynktimer.h which is it not necessary. Conclusion: I need do some research about the solution of the problem before continuing other task. It is because the Ard...