
Showing posts from March 28, 2021

Week 9 (FYP 2)

Activity: Refurbished Push Cylinder Module Objective: To push the metal sheet down towards the conveyor 2 smoothly To look neater and have a strong build Content: The push cylinder module will push the metal sheet down towards the conveyor 2 The sensing capability of this module is provided by a proximity sensor which is installed into a metal cylinder frame fixed at an angle of 90° to the rear of the pushing cylinder. If the proximity sensor detects a well stamped metal sheet, it will send signal to the pushing cylinder. The pushing cylinder will then move forward to push the metal sheet down towards conveyor 2. Result: After I add a metal support below the push cylinder, the result is it become  stronger and more stable when it push the metal plate.  Conclusion: However, I need to fix the mount of proximity sensor  because sometimes it can't detect the metal sheet when the metal sheet arrive to the sensor.