
Showing posts from July 19, 2020

Week 1

  Activity: Search FYP Supervisor & FYP title selection   Objective: To find a FYP Supervisor to provide guidance on how to plan and assist in  FYP preparation especially in proposal and final report.  To produce a suitable title for FYP before submitting it to the FYP supervisor        Content: Students are given a period of 5 weeks to find a supervisor before registering the project title in the FYP UniKL BMI website FYP coordinators say students should prepare appropriate projects and  topics before finding the desired supervisor and need to discuss with the  supervisor. The supervisor should be selected based on the student course. for example, if the student course is BETEE, the student should find a lecturer in electrical department.   Result: After doing research and following the advice of friends and seniors, I chose Sir Mohd Shaiful B. Othman in electrical department as the FYP supervisor. Sir Mohd Shaifu...


  My name is Mohd Ikmal Shahrizal b Ab Razak. I am a student in UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR BRITISH MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE (UNIKL BMI). My course is BACHELOR of ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY (HONS) in ELECTRICAL. Basically, this blog is about my logbook or my progress report on my FINAL YEAR PROJECT that I've made will updated in this blog.  My project title is Development of  IoT System for Automation System