

  My name is Mohd Ikmal Shahrizal b Ab Razak. I am a student in UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR BRITISH MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE (UNIKL BMI). My course is BACHELOR of ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY (HONS) in ELECTRICAL. Basically, this blog is about my logbook or my progress report on my FINAL YEAR PROJECT that I've made will updated in this blog.  My project title is Development of  IoT System for Automation System

Week 15 (FYP 2)

Activity: Recording project demonstration. Objective: To produce a good and clear demonstration video. To produce a project demonstration video that can be understood by the evaluator. Content: Choose a suitable and quiet place to record a demonstration video. Make drafts and plans to record video. Choose the suitable angle for place of camera. Run the project and start recording. Result: The suitable place is chosen which in store room at groundfloor. The demonstration video was recorded with several different angles as there were several important parts running at one time such as the temperature sensor and the IR sensor. I need to add background voice of explanation because during recording, I cant make explanation because the sound of compressor is too loud. Conclusion: As a conclusion, successfully created video demonstration for online presentation which will attract the attention.

Week 14 (FYP 2)

Activity: Preparation of Technical Report Objective: To fulfill one of the FYP 2 assessment criteria To make a good technical report and easy to understand by the reader. Content: Based on the last briefing, student need submit the technical report to their supervisor by week 16 which in next 2 week The technical report need to meet all the criteria that have given by FYP coordinator  The carry mark for technical report is 10%  Result: The content of the technical report is taken from the thesis. I need to summarize the content from the thesis which is introduction, methodology, and result. On the advice and suggestions of my supervisor, I took a technical paper from my senior for reference. Conclusion: The report should be sent to my supervisor for review before the submission date.

Week 12 (FYP 2)

Activity:  Replace Air Tube Compressor Objective: To fix the broken air tube compressor To found out causes of the problem happen Content: The current air tube compressor between air compressor to rotating cylinder was ruptured due to high air pressure as well as the old condition of the tube. It cant fix by cover it with tape because the pressure of the air is too high.  The size of the air tube is internal diameter 4mm and the outside diameter is 6mm The new air tube compressor was ordered from Shoppe website.  The whole air tube on the project need to change due the old condition and can risk of damage.  Result: After I change the new air tube compressor, the project was running smoothly. The air flow from air compressor in tube was run very well. Conclusion: From this situation, I need to check all the component of hardware to make sure there all in good condition to prevent problem like this in future. 

Week 11 (FYP 2)

Activity: Presentation Day Briefing Objective: To brief out about Project Presentation and important deadline for FYP 1 & 2 Content: The briefing was conduct on Microsoft Team by Sir Shaiful which is my supervisor and FYP coordinator  The important criteria that must be on the slide presentation is problem statement, methodology, project flow and result  Sir Shaiful also informed regarding the task that needs to be done by student which is technical report and the date to be delivered Furthermore, he also mention about project money claims Result: From the briefing, the important point that I get is student need to submit draft of technical paper and project report to supervisor by week 16. The demonstration of project video also need to upload by week 16 and the lastly the presentation day is conduct on week 17. Conclusion: I can be more prepared and need to finish the project work early so that I can record for the demonstration. The student also encourage...

Week 10 (FYP 2)

Activity: Replace the Arduino Board (ESP8266) Objective: To replace the damaged original Arduino board. To check the wiring connection between NodeMCU, sensors and relay. Content: The original NodeMCU board suddenly getting hot and the light on the board become turn off At first I expected that what was broken was the cable. So i try change and replace the cable but the result is still same. The NodeMCU board not function. I try to troubleshoot the board and connect with other laptop but still not function. After i make a research, the NodeMCU board was short circuit and overload current. So the solution is i need to change with the new one. Result: So I change the new board, upload the coding from the Arduino software after done upload the coding, i connect all the sensor and relay As a result, the arduino and other sensor was functioning well. Conclusion: The cause of this problem is  the VCC/GND are internally connected due to a previous failure or  An output...

Week 9 (FYP 2)

Activity: Refurbished Push Cylinder Module Objective: To push the metal sheet down towards the conveyor 2 smoothly To look neater and have a strong build Content: The push cylinder module will push the metal sheet down towards the conveyor 2 The sensing capability of this module is provided by a proximity sensor which is installed into a metal cylinder frame fixed at an angle of 90° to the rear of the pushing cylinder. If the proximity sensor detects a well stamped metal sheet, it will send signal to the pushing cylinder. The pushing cylinder will then move forward to push the metal sheet down towards conveyor 2. Result: After I add a metal support below the push cylinder, the result is it become  stronger and more stable when it push the metal plate.  Conclusion: However, I need to fix the mount of proximity sensor  because sometimes it can't detect the metal sheet when the metal sheet arrive to the sensor. 

Week 8 (FYP 2)

Activity: Refurbish Motor and Conveyor Objective: To allow the conveyor to move smoothly To allow the motor to rotate properly To look neater on the conveyor Content: Originally conveyors 1 and 2 did not move properly because the tension belts were already rusty. So I had to loosen the conveyor belt and remove the tension belt to be cleaned and the roller replaced. The roller on the tension belt is rubbed with lubricating oil to smooth the rotational movement. After cleaning the roller, it needs to be reinstalled as original. But I have adjusted the tension belt so that the conveyor is more tense and moves well especially the upper conveyor. For the motor, I was clean up the connection and the mount Result: As a result, conveyors 1 and 2 can move well. Conveyor 2 which is downward conveyer is move faster than upper conveyor because the it have less tensioner roller than upper conveyor.  Conclusion: Even though the upper conveyor is moving slowly, it can help the sensor to dete...