Week 5 (FYP 1)

Study on Literature Review 

  • To get information from previous studies about similar project or similar concept

  • I get a reference regarding the project through the internet
  • The reference to be sought is regarding the Stamping Machine or PLC or sensors used

  • After doing some research, I found three suitable articles for reference.
  • The review is about the similar sensor that have been used in my project which is Temperature sensor and Motion Sensor
  • The majority of the review use the sensor for security purpose
  • The first review is focus on temperature monitoring on server room that use Raspberry Pi and DHT-11
  • The second review is focus on home security which is use motion sensor to motion detection and Phyton Script. it also use Raspberry Pi as IoT platform
  • The third review also focus on home security which is use motion sensor but it use GSM technology is used to send SMS notifications to owner during an intrusion

After I read the article carefully and did some research, I found that their project can be renewed by changing the IoT platform from Raspberry Pi to Arduino NodeMCU because it is cheaper.


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